Tag Archives: Monthly Marker

Monthly Marker April 2019: Wouter en de Draak

Wouter en de Draak

OK, so yesterday’s Monthly Marker announcement was a bit of a joke, obviously. It was the first of April, after all. But we do have a new Monthly Marker for you, replacing The Dolmen‘s ‘Black Is The Colour’. And ‘new’ is the key word this month!

You see, this is the month of Elfia and we wanted you all to have a little something to get in the right mood. And what could be better for that than a nice balfolk dance, a cercle in this case. All through April you can hear Wouter en de Draak‘s (FB) ‘New Horizons, New Adventures’ five to six times a day, so you will have no excuse not to dance when they play this song at Kasteel de Haar during the wonderful weekend that is Elfia!

And…one and two and three and turn, and one and two and three and four….

You can find Wouter en de Draak here:

Monthly Marker April 2019 (April’s Fool): Slayer

Working in radio is awesome in so many ways! We get to meet new and interesting people, are invited to amazing events, and people from all over the world send us their music. Quite often the music they send isn’t really fit for our stream, but sometimes we recieve an amazing gem! A few weeks ago we got one of those, and from a band we never would have expected! You see, to wrap up their European tour, Slayer made an acoustic song based on the European folk culture, and their label sent it to us! We are feeling extatic, and very, very proud to have been noticed by Nuclear Blast , and so we immediately decided to make this our new Monthly Marker! So sit back and enjoy the musical genius of this very experienced group of musicians five to six times a day all through the month of April!


We’ll attend the concert of M’ANAM!

SOLD OUT! But… we’re on our way to help you! Tonight we’ll attend the concert of M’ANAM – The Spirit of Irish Music at De Doelen ! We have brought our gear with us and we intend to provide you with some livestreams of what is sure to be a magical evening.
M’Anam, is of course this month’s Monthly Marker. You can hear their song ‘Bitter Wind’ five to six times a day on our radio station!


Monthly Marker January 2019: Aérokorda

Cover: Aérokorda


We hope you had a great New Year’s Eve, and we wish you al an amazing 2019, filled with the best music and dances! And to start all that off right…we present our new Monthly Marker, Aérokorda’s “The Cliffs Of Moher“!

Aérokorda is a band of three, formed within the Balfolk community. Their music is heavily influenced by both Irish sounds as well as folkmusic from the Balkan area, and this comes together to create a unique sound that is loved by all in the wonderful world of Balfolk dancing. This months Marker was taken from their 2017 album “Hush The Wolves” (Cliff wrote a review of this album). We saw them at CaDansa, and of course more recently at the Midwinter Fair Archeon, where they moved the crowd with their passion for music.

So come on and put on your dancing shoes (or go barefoot like many “folkies”) and let’s dance our way into a brilliant new year!

You can find Aérokorda here:

Monthly Marker December 2018: Harmony Glenn

A new month, and thus time for a new Monthly Marker. And since this is “the festive month”, we thought it would be time for a festive song! Obviously we couldn’t go with just any old Christmas song, so we have something very special for you!!

Our dear friends of Harmony Glen have been working on a seasonal song, soon to be THE new seasonal hit of course, and we at CeltCast have the honour of being the very first to bring this song to light! (No, but really. It wasn’t even supposed to be released just yet. Talk about a scoop! 🙂 )

And so we are proud to present: ‘Christmas Is Here‘! A folky and festive ode to the perils of the holiday, which we will be playing five to six times a day throughout all of December. So jingle your bells and come sleigh away with us, as we dance our way towards the new year!

P.S.: We know this song is about Christmas but there are of course many celebrations around this time of year. So, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone an amazing time, whether it be a Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas, a Blessed Yule, an Awesome Kwanzaa… in short: Happy Holidays to all!

Harmony Glen

You can find Harmony Glen here:


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