Tag Archives: Monthly Marker

Monthly Marker May 2016: Ingrid og Maria

New month, new monthly marker!

Once more we see a new month on the calendar and that is cause for celebration, because it also means it’s time for a new Monthly Marker! And boy, do we have something special for you this month!

Ingrid Galadriel (Sverresborg, Trøndelag Folkemuseum, Trondheim Vikinglag) and Maria Franz (Euzen) have been friends for years and have been singing together just as long, but only recently did they decide to record something together, which resulted in this astonishing duet!

“Tornerose” is based on a Norwegian folk tune from around 1970. It´s a feminist song, about a woman sitting in her tower waiting for her prince. She is lonely and depressed and no matter what preparations she does, the prince never shows up. In despair she drinks a bottle of wine and takes her sleeping pills, falling a sleep wondering why the prince would make a promise he can´t keep. This duet is sung in Swedish.

From the moment we at CeltCast heard this song we have been in love with the soothing vocals and gorgeous harmonics, and we are very excited to be able to share the song with you! All through May it will be played 5 to 6 times a day.

If you are as excited about this song as we are, let these lovely ladies know, so they might record more! (Or let us know, and we will get word to them of course)

Monthly Marker April 2016: Tjarda

We know it’s April Fools Day, but it’s also the first day of a new month, so it’s time for a new Monthly Marker! This month we chose Tjarda’s latest song, and first release of her upcoming album, Ostara’s Golden Sky!

Not only is the song very appropriate so close after Ostara, but the entire energy of the song is an amazing way to celebrate the start of spring, especially given the weather here in the Netherlands at the moment!

Happy Spring everyone, and enjoy Tjarda’s amazing song this month!

Banner: Tjarda

Tjarda can be found here:

Monthly Marker March 2016: Shantalla

Cover: Shantalla-A Band of Gold

It’s that time again, when we move from one month into the next, and that also means that we get to highlight a new track for a month! And this month we’re not lying when we say it’s a NEW track!

Our friends of Shantalla have only recently released a brand new track and upon hearing it we quickly decided that A Band of Gold was to be our main feature for March. This song, originally written by Maurice McGrath, is a tragic lovestory about a couple that can’t get married because the man isn’t wealthy enough and the woman’s father will not allow it. It is played in a style that is not only what we would expect from a Folk group like Shantalla, but also in a way that immediately makes it a traditional!

Enjoy this track five or six times a day all through March, we know we will! 🙂

You can find Shantalla here:

Monthly Marker February 2016: Huldreslåt

Cover: Huldreslåt-Vallfärd och Viljevandring

With a new month comes a new focal point in our stream, the new Monthly Marker. In January we enjoyed Omnia’s Uvil Uvil, taken from their latest album Naked Harp of course, but this February will be brightened by the awesome track Böl Olles Schottis, of Argentina based Huldreslåt! This track captured our attention the first moment we heard it, and it still continues to move us every time! (No really, I probably look like an idiot, dancing like crazy in my car every time this song comes on 😉 )

We hope it will bring as much happiness to your day as it does to ours! Happy February everyone!

You can find Huldreslåt here:

Monthly Marker January 2016: OMNIA

Cover: OMNIA-Naked Harp

Whoops! With all the commotion having to do with starting a new give away we completely forgot to mention something yesterday…

A new year, but also a new month, so that also means: a new MONTHLY MARKER!!!
For our latest MM we asked for your help to choose a track from OMNIA’s album “Naked Harp”, and we sure got it! So all throughout this month keep your ears open for OMNIA’s Uvil Uvil, which will be played five to six times a day!

OMNIA can be found here:


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