But we wanted to do even better, so we are working on an interactive event calendar that, at the moment, is still ‘under construction’. When finished it will be a calendar where everybody can fill in upcoming folk events, concerts, and festivals they know off. And we do mean everybody! Fans; artists; bands; and festivals alike. The goal is to get a huge interactive event calendar filled with all the to-go-places for our favorite music style. Of course, we will keep you informed on new developments on this right here in the events section, and in the news section as well.We at CeltCast are very lucky that we can visit lots of beautiful festivals and lovely concerts. We are even luckier that we can share all of those with you, our listeners (although technically speaking that should be viewers in this case). This is the spot where we collect all those live streams, all those festival reports, and all those concert reviews, so you can feel like you are part of it all! All the time, everytime! Even on those days when you can’t be there in person!