This beautiful lady with an angel’s voice has been a CeltCast live-stream guest quite a few times. Either at a festival or in a small intimate setting, we always love to go see
Gwendolyn Snowdon
play live.
And if going to see her live isn’t possible we enjoy just sitting down and listen to her beautiful album ‘Three Strand Braid’.
Besides being a talented musician and singer, Gwendolyn is just the sweetest personality. It is always nice to have a chat and hug with her. Not to mention that she was an awesome guest during her visit to our CeltCast living room!
So needless to say, we are very very happy to see Gwendolyn again at
! Gwendolyn will be playing on the Meadow Stage on Friday and Sunday.
Pics by
Kees Stravers
Marielle’s Concert and Event Photography