Tag Archives: SeeD Pagan Folk

Ten albums are ready for a new start!

A lot of time is needed to fill our new radio server. All old and new music is re-processed and evaluated before being placed on the new server. Today there were ten (old and new) albums ready for a new start!

We also received a number of new songs that aren’t on a CD yet! It’s fantastic when artists want to share those gems with us! Thank you for this confidence in our station!

Names of the artists: Sowulo (new album), ESTAMPIE , Helisir , Harmony Glen , Lindsay Ritch , SeeD Pagan Folk , PerKelt , Lirio , Annwn , EMIAN • PaganFolk Music , Irregang (new material), Mojra Yvette (new material) Varend Volk (new material).

Monthly Marker August 2019: SeeD Pagan Folk

Cover: SeeD-Through the Veil

It is time for another Monthly Marker!

For August, we have chosen De Gnoom, de Heks en de Boom from SeeD Pagan Folk from their album “Through the Veil”.

You can find SeeD Pagan Folk here:

Goblin’s Grove

Sometimes there are these small events that touch us massively. One of these events is the Goblin’s Grove organised by our friends from SeeD Pagan Folk . It’s a small, intimate event, which always manage to reach deep into the hearts of those present.

As it is always organised in Holland, one small group of very big SEED fans, the Belgische ZaaDvrienden couldn’t easily attend! So, what did they do? Instead of moping, complaining and crying about not being able to go to the last Goblin’s Grove, they decided to organise something special themselves!!!

A few weeks ago this small introduction appeared on social media: A north wind whispers through the trees A portal might soon appear close to thee… and the rest is (or will soon be) epic history!!!

Hobgoblin's hollow

Monthly Marker February 2019: M’ANAM


Once again we start a new month with a new Monthly Marker, in what seems to be the coldest part of winter yet, at least here in the Netherlands, and of course in North America. Now, there are two things one can do in this time of year. Either bring warmth into your life by turning up the music and start dancing, which is what we did in January with Aérokorda’s Cliffs of Moher. Then there is the complete opposite option…

For February we would like to look to the cold, which is such an integral part of nature. With this month’s Marker we want to acknowledge, even celebrate the Bitter Wind, which is why we were so very excited when M’ANAM approached us and offered a premiere of a song from their upcoming album. It is based on a 9th century Irish poem with that very same name! The music in this song was written by Michael McGlynn, who we all know from ANÚNA, and it features an impressive solo by Philip Barkhudarov. Special thanks to Saar SeeDling (ANÚNA, SeeD Pagan Folk, Crashing Bats (FB)) for your intermediary role!

So let’s get outside, light a fire, and enjoy these impressive sounds together with friends and family!

“Bitter is the wind tonight,
It tosses the ocean’s white hair;
I do not fear the crossing of a calm sea,
By the fierce warriors from Lothlind.”

You can find M’ANAM her:

Location: Castlefest (NL) – Day: 3 Band/Artist: SeeD Pagan Folk- Part: 1


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