Cover: Sunfire-Sunfire

With the turning of the calendar and the darkest part of the year in retreat we thought it would be a nice time to start sending out some sunshine, or in other words, some Sunfire!

This band released an album called “Sunfire” in 2017 with three bandmembers (Satria (FB), Michel (FB) and Berend (FB)), and has since then expanded to include Sophie (FB), whom we all know and love from Cesair and Shireen. She provides that extra violin twist, completing their awesome energetic sound and stage presence! For our Monthly Marker we chose one of the sunniest songs on the album, Yoyo, which includes guest appearances by both Daphyd Sens (FB) and Rob (FB) of ThunderCrow and OMNIA, of course on didgeridoo and percussion, creating a rhythm line that carries the warmth of the song straight into your soul!

And if you enjoy Sunfire…stay tuned! We’ll have some very, very nice news for you soon!!! 😉


You can find Sunfire here: