Living in Live-room, no…
Live in the Livingroom: Home!
We all know and love Rob , the ever-smiling percussionist, known formerly from OMNIA and of course nowadays from his project ThunderCrow , together with Daphyd . Well, recently Rob has released his first solo-album, titled “Home”! Working together with the lovely ladies of Guinevere and other guest musicians like Gijs Anders van Straalen , they produced some amazing music!
So, we have some good news for you! This Tuesday around 20:30h CET, Alex will visit them for a *Live in the Livingroom* session! As you have come to know from us there will be live music, friendly chatting and of course some in depth interviewing ;-). Do you have some questions for Rob, Barbe , Tineke , Tineke or Sanne Mieloo that you’ve always wanted to ask but were afraid to? Well, let Alex do the heavy lifting for you! Just ask your question here or as a comment during the interview and Alex will try to work your question into the evening!
So keep a close eye on our page and let’s all meet up online this Tuesday!

Picture on the left taken by Erwin van Dijck Picture on the right taken by Dejan Vekić