The Daily Disc – Solas โ€“ Reunion: A Decade of Solas (2006)

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Okay, this is an older live album but definitely one that should be on your shelf! Solas is an Irish/American Folk band which has been playing since 1996. This band doesnโ€™t need our help promoting it, but... we wanted to share their music with you, our listeners. ๐ŸŽถ

The reunion album consists of a CD and a DVD. ๐Ÿ’ฟ๐Ÿ“€ They made it for their 10th anniversary. It was recorded during a concert in Philadelphia. What was so very special about this session, was that it featured performances of all band members, of both the current line-up and previous ones! You can feel that magic listening to the CD or watching the DVD. Itโ€™s amazing... ๐Ÿ˜

This album is so beautiful, it gives me tears and goosebumps because of that. My favourite songs are Crested Hens, Black Annis (I love that wavy violin) and Fleur de Lis. โšœ๏ธ

You can find Solas on:
Facebook: @solasmusic
Instagram: @solasmusic
Youtube: solasmusic
๐ŸŒŽ Website:

Musical greetings, Ilona CeltCast ๐ŸŽป

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Location: Castlefest Winter Edition 2019 – Official (NL) – Day 2 Band/Artist: Trobar de Morte – Part 2/2

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