We are entering the last week of voting for the long-lists for the Fantasy Awards 19/20!
The photo album for the category ‘Best Costume’ will be online until next Friday, the 20th of December 19.00h CET.
Give the costumes you like most your love by liking them. The top 5 costumes will then go on to form the short list to compete for the award. For this short list we have both a jury and a people’s voting system. We will aim to select a jury which is both knowledgeable and fair. This means that 50% of the points will be given by a jury and 50% by the number of votes that the costume receives.
Sharing the pictures is of course allowed (we even want you to share all over 🙂 ) but please keep in mind that the likes counted are the ones on the picture in this album, not in the shared posts.