After a nice summer break, -admittedly a bit longer than beforehand anticipated- CeltCast’s review team is singing back in action. With a bigger team than before -more on that later in the month- and a load of lovely new albums waiting in line to be introduced. Keep an eye out for new music from
EMIAN PaganFolk Music
Twigs & Twine
(formerly known as TWIBV), the Spanish band
and the German folk band
Drowsy Maggie
. Yep the coming months are gonna be busy.
But before all that we kick off the new review season with our second CeltCast Classic: ‘Yet We Sing’ by
This album was suggested by
Ilona CeltCast
, or actually the band was, because after I said yes I got a huge pile with five albums to listen to :-D. It goes without saying that Ilona is a huge fan of Cara’s music, and I have to say, while working on this review I’ve become a fan too.
So here’s the link to the review telling all about this Irish folk band from Germany. Enjoy the read and enjoy their music.
Until next time
Cliff and the review team!