We are proud to introduce to the world: Rosanne! (A.k.a. Roos/Rose) Daughter of Alex and Ilona, Rosanne has been very close to the fire from the start of CeltCast, and so she really knows and feels what CeltCast needs, visually. Her graphical talents are utilised by us in lots of ways, most noticeably by altering our Social Media logo and banner into variations that are specifically linked to festivals we attend. This means that she is also the mastermind behind the design of those very hard to come by buttons that we give out at those festivals. So if you own one (or more) of these collector’s items, you can thank her for the design! Speaking of our logo, it was Rosanne that updated our original logo recently by taking out the “Community Radio” part, balancing the whole, and adding the new twig to the lyre to signify our growth!
Taking all that into account, and adding that she is currently also developing photography skills, you can imagine how thrilled we are to welcome her to the team! So please join us and say a heartfelt hello to her here in the comments, and feel free to read her bio, in her own words.