There is once again some happy news in our ever-expanding team of dedicated volunteers, as we welcome Cliff into our CeltCast family! This tall man, dressed in handmade period clothing, completed with a perpetual smile, is a very recognisable sight at all the festivals, and his camera is always welcomed by bands and fans alike, as he always knows how to capture the emotions on stage in his shots.

These shots have graced several posts of ours already, so to be able to call Cliff part of the team is quite an honour for us. But besides supplying us with beautiful imagery, Cliff will also be writing album reviews, the first of which is to be published soon, and he will help Marielle in the CeltCast Community Facebook group.

Want to know more of his own personal background story? Then go to and read all about it. Feel free to leave your own welcome message here under this post and we’ll make sure he reads it.