New Month, New Monthly Marker! This time a song from Belgium!
Rokkende Vrouwen with the song “In ‘t Zoetste van de Meie” (In the Sweetest of the May).
We are going to play this song five to six times each day on CeltCast Radio in February!
Our photographer Andre Willemse (FB) went to see these ladies at the Dutch Festival Elfia Arcen (FB)! The organisers of this festival wrote about Rokkende Vrouwen:
Rokkende Vrouwen is a folk duo consisting of pianist and singer Hilde Van Belle and violinist and singer Lore Vancauwenberghe. Together they get old Flemish and Dutch songs from under the dust and put them in a contemporary jacket with here and there some Scandinavian influences. Expect danceable folk with unforgettable melodies and dreamy tones. Enjoy, dance, and travel through time and space with these ladies. From the 13th century poet Hadewijch to the 19th-century song ‘De Weverkens’; the Rokkende Vrouwen get their inspiration from everywhere, and bring their songs in a hip folk version.
You can find Rokkende Vrouwen here:
- Facebook: @RokkendeVrouwen
- Instagram: @rokkendevrouwen
- Bandcamp: