Something awesome happened

20140815-001 - Logo's by Rosanne - Steen First we weren’t broadcasting yet.
But then we went online and it was amazing!

It however was so amazing that our provider probably asked himself what was going on. So our stream dropped out on us for a short while. Thank you all for making something that awesome happen! 😀

But now we’re back. You might have to restart the stream to hear us, but we’re going full speed again.

Let’s just call it “hiccups in our start-up process”. 😉


In fifteen minutes CeltCast will be launched on an adventure that we hope to share with you.

Tune in and join the countdown…

The calm before the storm

Gothic & Fantasy Beurs, Rijswijk

Gothic & Fantasy Beurs, Rijswijk

You may have noticed that things have been quiet around CeltCast this past week. Well, that was for good reason.

We have been working hard on all the things that make a radio station. Getting the music all lined up obviously, but also things to do with the website and the stream that we won’t bother you with. 🙂

In the mean time we also went to the Gothic & Fantasy Beurs in Rijswijk, The Netherlands, where we met lots of friendly people. Along with meeting old friends and seeing online friends in real life for the first time, we also met some new, like the people from Miroque. Check out their Facebookpage Miroquesen auf Tour so you can find out where they’ll be and shake their hands and have a lovely chat with them yourself! You’ll be amazed by their in-depth knowledge of the bands, artists, festivals and music!

You can expect a report on the whole event, including the performances by The Royal Spuds, Rastaban, The Dolmen, Cesair and Omnia sometime soon…

…But it’s almost time now! Eight hours to go untill we start our broadcast! We hope to welcome all of you tonight at 18.00 CEST (GMT +2).

Are you as excited as we are? 😀

Who knows? Maybe you’ll hear some of the bands listed above, while you’re there! 😉

Only seven days and seven hours…

20141017-001 G&F Beurs Only seven days and seven hours to go!

Next Friday, the 24th, at 18.00 local time (GMT +2 summertime) we will start broadcasting all of our favourite music! Will you be listening from the start?

At the moment we’re still busy with perfecting the stream, contacting bands and artists and overall doing lots of stuff to create that atmosphere that we want to share with you.

That being said, this weekend we’ll have some time to combine business with pleasure, so to speak, as we will be attending the Gothic & Fantasy Beurs in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, enjoying good company and performances by The Royal Spuds, The Dolmen, Cesair, RASTABAN and Omnia!

Will you also be there? If you see us, feel free to come and say hi!

As a last reminder, remember that our Like-Share-Win competition, where you can win an awesome Earth Warrior pack, ends next Friday at 12.00 (GMT +2). If you haven’t entered yet, there’s still some time!

Down Under, but on top of the world – Part 1

'The Sisters' at McGinty's
We have received word from Bob, our Scout in Australia!
-Thursday the 9th of October 2014, Cairns.

During a good talk I had with a local musician I found out that there were two Irish pubs in town. One of these was supposedly fake, but the other was the real deal. After finding out which was which, I went to McGinty’s Cairns!

In the afternoon all was quiet, not much going on, but I did manage to sneak a peek on who would be performing that evening. McGinty’s features live performances every Thursday.

Evening came, and around 18:30 a lovely duo called SISTERIX took to the stage. These gorgeous girls came all the way from Dublin. One playing the guitar and the other violin and tambourine, and with both of them singing, they swept the crowd away with their performance of Irish traditionals.

It was a great evening, where I even managed to surprise the owner of the pub by singing along with a lot of the songs!

This is my folk discovery so far, so for all you folk lovers in and around Cairns, McGinty’s is the place to be!
(I will discover more of these great establishments, I’m sure!)

-Bob, Scout


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