Music has been a passion of mine since my teens. The nights I’ve spent in my candlelight room, sitting on my bed, record player on my right, sound boxes on both sides for maximum effect. Playing records like Dire Straits Alchemy Live , Mike Oldfield’s Incantations, The Door’s Absolutely live album, or Jeff Wayne’s War of the worlds. I still cherish those nights. Somehow I’ve always felt a deep emotional connection with music. With a good song, I can feel every note played. Not that I can play myself or that I can sing, no I just connect with it. In a deeply emotional way. A good song makes me cry, shiver, smile, dance or feel deeply, deeply happy. It makes me let go of all the things that bother me at that specific point in time. Music has always been my means of escape, my way of coping with the world. A world that for a large part of my younger years was a big, scary, frightening thing. I also always wanted to share that passion. I wanted to share the music that meant so much to me. I still do. Working for CeltCast gave me the platform to do that. To reach out to you all and share the beautiful music that I am allowed to hear. So I did. With all my heart. The downside of it is: there is this risk of a passion becoming ‘a job’. That you feel you are obliged to write with the same passion about every album you are asked to listen to. Which is impossible. One is bound to fail if one tries. So I failed, big time. So much so I almost wanted to stop writing reviews altogether. And then Jyoti Verhoeff released this album. The Sky of You. As I listened to it Jyoti opened every single door to my heart. Her music took me on a much-needed journey. Deep into my soul. Hitting every nerve it found on its way. And as happened so many times before the music became the answer I needed. While listening I found my passion back. I wanted to write about this. I HAD to write about it! Not only about this CD, but also about some other lovely albums I had listened to during my absence the last months. …..But first The Sky of You. And I sincerely hope you will enjoy this beautiful record just as much as I did. Here it is. Cliff