Eivør announces pre -order for new album to start coming wednesday!!

This is what Eivør announced in her latest Saturday night live stream, after telling us the album is already in its final stages of production in her first live stream on the 28th of march. Eivør She also told that those people who pre-order the new album will also get a free song as a direct download.
The new album, which title isn’t revealed yet, is due to be released in September and will contain songs in both Faeröers AND English, told her viewers on her third hour-long live stream. Besides the new song Eivør mentioned and played again with her husband Tróndur Bogason , who has made a cameo appearance -lovingly announced as her ‘dishwasher’ by Eivør- on every live stream till now, this stream also features her sister Elinborg in a stunning version of Rain. If you want to see this, or the previous streams, just follow the links at the bottom.

If you want more information on the upcoming album, you are invited to subscribe to Eivør’s newsletter on the top of her webpage and all the info will be sent directly to you.

For more of Eivør’s live streams. Here is the first one she did on March the 28th with a stunning version of Trøllabundin:

And here is the live stream of April the 4th, with a lovely acoustic rendition of Leonard Cohen’s classic: Famous Blue Raincoat:

New, Moonlight and mead, the pagan folk podcast

You can say one thing about these weird Corona days, it seems to bring the best of out of the creativity within the pagan folk community. Just days after Castlefest lockdown tv, just two weeks after the huge Ye Banished Privateers album release show we find another cool initiative: The Moonlight and Mead pagan folk podcast.
Set up by Niklas Agalstra of Waldkauz and Koen van Egmond of SeeD its a podcast to celebrate the pagan folk community.

-‘Me and Koen started a podcast about pagan folk together and are planning to release the first episode tonight.” Niklas told CeltCast. “it’s gonna be a weekly thing. We will be talking about music, festivals, being musicians and all that good stuff. The pagan folk scene is a truly good place with great people! That’s why I wanted to start the podcast, to celebrate it!”

Koen says similar words on his page:
-‘Staying inside a lot has sprouted a lot of cool initiatives, webcam videos, online collaborations, new projects. Niklas Agalstra and I are hoping to add that with a weekly returning podcast about all things Pagan Folk! Our first episode has just gone live on Spotify. It’s an intro to give you an idea of what to expect of the coming episodes!
We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoy making it. If you have any cool input for upcoming episodes. We’d love to hear from you. We hope we can build a great, loving and musical community with all of you!’

We, the CeltCast team, wish Niklas and Koen all the success in the world with this podcast, and we hope it will carry on, long after these weird Corona lockdown days.

You can find the Mead & Moonlight page here, and the podcast itself on Spotify here.

Sowulo releases a new album GRIMA

Last Monday Sowulo announced that their new album GRIMA will be released coming friday, the 3th of april. according to Faber: “In the last past months I worked on the upcoming Sowulo album. Again I did my best to do something unexpected. I teamed up with Tumulus to create something truly unique.
The upcoming GRIMA album contains an immersive combination of Storytelling and Atmospheric music. Tumulus aka Niek van Eck did what he does best: storytelling like a mad skald-wizard, and I had to honour to add some cinematic tune to it.
We recorded GRIMA from a place of deep presence, rooted in ancient stories of wisdom.’
The artwork, Faber told us: ‘Consists of drawings by Niek van Eck edited by Jasper van Gheluwe .
Friday the 3th of April, American time, GRIMA will be digitally released on all the major platforms and smaller platforms, including Spotify and Sowulo’s Bandcamp page here, where we can all listen the album for the first time. Expect stories of Nordic saga told by Tumulus with compositions by Faber Horbachs hand under it. Indeed something truly unique.
The physical album release will take a bit longer. But just might be worth the wait. Of course will keep you informed on that.

picture by: Rebeca Franco Valle

Hamish Napier releases third folk concept album

After his 2016 concept album The River and the 2018 folk concept album The Railway, former Back of the Moon multi-instrumentalist Hamis Napier released his third folk concept album The Woods last Friday -the 20th of March- in a spontaneous Facebook live community listening session, due to the corona restrictions preventing the originally planned release mini-tour to go through. We, as CeltCast did not let this opportunity to listen to the new album together with so many other fans pass by, and I can assure you The Woods has been spinning its rounds many a time at CeltCast HQ since that moment.
Just as The River and The railway before it, The Woods is a themed Celtic folk CD, in this case, sponsored by Cairngorms connect, a partnership of neighbouring land managers, committed to a bold and ambitious 200-year vision to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across a vast area within the Cairngorms National Park, Scotland.

Hamish Napier himself writes about this album:
“We humans are tree creatures. After the last ice age 100 centuries ago, the forests expanded across the barren landscape and with it the human population. Woods and man evolved together. Let us regain the forests and our common knowledge of them. The 18 letters of the Gaelic alphabet were traditionally taught to children through the old names for the native trees (plus a few shrubs). I have written a tune for each letter and included all the native trees that can be found locally in the wild. There are 2 trees for each of the letters G, R and U. There are tunes for forest flora and fauna listed in Scots. I have included descriptions, facts and uses for each tree. All 26 tunes are rooted in traditional Scottish folk dance tune forms, woven in contemporary arrangements and enhanced with field recordings made in the woods. For me, this is an album of identity, exploring my native languages, music, folklore and natural environment. “

All this inspiration accumulated in a beautiful conceptual Celtic folk CD with equally stunning artwork according to our reviewer Cliff.
As you read this we are hard at work to try and add The Woods – as well as The River and The Railway – to our radio stream AND you can expect a full review of all three albums by Cliff in the coming weeks.

The Woods is available through Hamish Napier‘s bandcamp page.

We would like to know what you would like to see

The beginning of the survey

It’s probably no surprise to you that we are always busy at CeltCast. Right now, we are making lots of new stuff that we are very exited to share. But we also want to know what kind of content you would like to see, so we’ve made a survey. We would be delighted if you could fill in these eight questions for us.
You can find the survey here!

Right now, we are also making a series about forgotten folk instruments. Is there a weird, forgotten or inspiring instrument you would like to see us make content about? Let us know by sending us an e-mail to: catoverhoeven@ziggo.nl!


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