Monthly Marker June 2023: Breabach

Cover: Braebach-Fas

It’s June already, which means a brand new Monthly Marker for this month! 🎶We’ll play this song 5 to 6 times a day for a full month on our radio station, and of course, it will be in our special CeltCast – Monthly Markers Spotify list! Hopefully, you will love it as much as our team does! 😍

Band: Breabach

Song: Bròg to the Future (Shoe to the Future)

This album traveled over the sea with Alex Sealgaire and Ilona Sealgaire CeltCast of the CeltCast Radio team. Last May, during their trip to Scotland, they visited the band in the beautiful Eastgate Theatre and Arts Centre in Peebles! It was a lovely evening with an enthusiastic audience. 🎶

The booklet of the album tells us more about this song: 📜

  • The JCHS 1991 Grads Reel – comp. Kinnon Beaton
  • Fridays for Future – comp. Megan Henderson
  • Clach nam Bròg – comp. Conal McDonagh

Fridays for Future is a youth-led and organised global climate strike movement. Megan named this tune after taking part in the march during the COP26 in Glasgow with Ewan and their daughter Joey Grace. ‘Clach nam Bròg’ is named for a massive roadside boulder – the Shoe Stone – between Poolewe and Gairloch. Churchgoers travelling barefoot over the hill to Gairloch stopped here to put on their shoes before entering the village.

Have fun, listening to CeltCast Radio! 📻

You can find Breabach here:

Monthly Marker May 2023: FeHu

Cover: FeHu-La Historia Pesenea

It’s the 1st of May which means a brand new Monthly Marker for this month! We’ll play this song 5 to 6 times a day for a full month on our radio station and of course, it will be in our special CeltCast – Monthly Markers Spotify playlist! Hopefully, you will love it as much as our team does!

Band: FeHu from Italy

Song: Il Viaggio Comincia (The Journey Begins)

Dance people, dance!!! This band will play at Castlefest (NL)!

Musical Greetings,

The CeltCast Radio Team – Ilona CeltCast, Alex Sealgaire & Berit Balfolk CeltCast 🎻

You can find FeHu here:

Monthly Marker April 2023: Legiana

Cover: Legiana-Wicked Light

Monthly Marker 📀LegianaQuand la Lune (2023)

On the 19th of March, Legiana (NL) released their BRAND NEW album. We still play their album from 2020 at CeltCast Radio, and now we’ve chosen a song from their amazing new album to be our Monthly Marker! 😍 You can hear one of the songs from the album 5 to 6 times a day on CeltCast Radio for the full Month of April! 🎻

This song will be (it was really difficult to choose…): 🎙Quand la Lune

Musical greetings, Ilona CeltCast

You can find Legiana here:

Monthly Marker March 2023: The Trouble Notes

Cover: The Trouble Notes-Liberty Awaits

It’s the 1st of March which means a brand new Monthly Marker for this month! We’ll play this song 5 to 6 times a day for a full month on our radio station and of course, it will be in our special CeltCast – Monthly Markers Spotify list! Hopefully, you will love it as much as our team does! 💚

Band: The Trouble Notes

Song: Liberty Awaits is an epic mixture of a genre that details the story of Bennet’s Irish ancestors’ journey across the Atlantic in search for a better life after the infamous potato famine. 🎻

This song is the title song of their brand NEW album which will be released on the 19th of May 2023!

Musical Greetings,

The CeltCast Radio Team 🎻

You can find The Trouble Notes here:

Monthly Marker February 2023: Willos’

Cover: Willos'-from now on

It’s the 1st of February which means a brand new Monthly Marker for this month! We’ll play this song 5 to 6 times a day for a full month on our radio station and of course, it will be in our special CeltCast – Monthly Markers Spotify playlist! Hopefully, you will love it as much as our team does!

Band: Willos’ (from Italy)

Song: P Stands for Paddy

Musical Greetings,

The CeltCast Radio Team 🎻

You can find Willos’ here:


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