Today I start with two albums that we collected last weekend at Archeon. 🏰
Pastiche – Pastiche exploring Rebetika (2019)
This band was at Archeon as Lemonaki, their new name. We saw a familiar face too, namely Emma van Dobben formerly of the band AmmA! That was a nice surprise! 😄 Lemonaki is a special folk band with cheerful and melancholic songs from Greece, Spain and the Balkans.☀️
Joint String Friends – Down by the Banks of the Ocean (2019)
In that same weekend, I met Sebastian Meijer. He was playing the violin in the band Plunder during the Midwinter Fair. At Castlefest Winter he was also playing with Varend Volk. It turns out that he has made an album with Joint String Friends (Sicko Hoogterp, Nico de Koning and Menno Schilstra). It’s a nice album with a lot of folk traditionals. If you want to know more, have a look on their website. 🌎
Triakel – Thyra (2014)
I love this album with Swedish folk music! This is what CeltCast is in my opinion, beautiful voice and old instruments. And, our balfolk friends will also love this one. I’ve read on their FB page that they made a new album. We really love to play that one too. 😍
Loreena McKennitt – An Ancient Muse (2006)
I don’t have to tell much about this singer, she’s a great and famous artist. The song ‘The Gates of Istanbul’ reminds me of Irfan. The title of the album perfectly sets the mood of this album. Let yourself be taken on a journey to ancient cultures. 🏛
Merrow – A story to tell (2018)
Regularly, we receive albums that do not completely fit the CeltCast format. If an album does not fit at all, then we will not present it. But sometimes we can play one or two songs. In that case we will definitely play them and happily tell about it! This is also the case with Merrow’s album. It actually tends towards country folk, partly due to the voice of the singer. We will, however, add the track ‘Ashokan farewell’ to our lists. 🎻
CORVUS CORAX – Cantus Buranus II (2008)
This album is totally different from Merrow, but we also can play only one song from this album. This work is more reminiscent of opera and theatre. The artwork is beautiful, making the album a true collector’s item. We are going to add the song “De Mundi Statu” to our playlists. 🕍
THE AssAssENaChS – New Traditions (2015)
We’ve been playing this album for some time now. Last Fantasy Fest Rijswijk we saw them performing again and we made a couple of livestreams. The album contains many folk traditionals. It contains no less than 17 songs, half of which we will play on our new server. 🎸
Wardruna – Runaljod – Gap Var Ginnunga (2009)
Wardruna, Einar Selvik … a big name in our scene! Everything that this special man makes is magical and beautiful. However, for this album you have to sit down, close your eyes and just listen. For that reason, it is difficult for us to dismantle the set of twelve numbers. We are going to play two songs on our stream. I think everyone will understand. Collect the Wardruna/Ivar Bjørnson & Einar Selvik material and let the music enchant you! 🌝
Lúnasa – The Story So Far (2008)
If you want to make me happy … play a Lunasa album! The joy of living radiates from their music. Hop, dance and love life. So, we are going to play every song of this album, as well as the three other albums that we already have processed.
Instinkt – Hur (2002)
We conclude with an older, but fan-tas-tic album! This one gives me positive goosebumps. You probably know Trolska Polska… this is the precursor, because this band no longer exists! This band had a famous band member “Martin Seeberg” – our hero from Denmark. This album cannot be forgotten, it’s one of my favourites. I love the song “Brombaerdance”! Jump, jump …. yeahhh!
On Facebook I found a couple of former band members: Søren Korshøj, Malene Daniels Beck and Martin Seeberg of course. I couldn’t find: Louise R Vangscaard and Vivi Di Bap. I wonder what they are up to these days… 🍀🍃
We’re very happy that these beautiful CD’s have been processed: 🎵
Pastiche (new name: Lemonaki) – Pastiche exploring Rebetika (2019)
Joint String Friends – Down by the Banks of the Ocean (2019)
Triakel – Thyra (2014)
Loreena McKennitt – An Ancient Muse (2006)
Merrow – A story to tell (2018)
Corvus Corax – Cantus Buranus II (2008)
Assassenachs – New Traditions (2015)
Wardruna – Runaljod – Gap Var Ginnunga (2009)
Lunasa – The Story So Far (2008)
Instinkt – Hur (2002)
That’s it for now. See you!
Musical greetings, Ilona CeltCast 😘🎶🎵🎶