Our reporter Lena had a chance to meet up with Niklas Steffen from this new German Paganfolk band. They had a nice chat about Waldkauz’ first album, and how they feel about the music they create. Of course comparisons are made with bands like Omnia and Faun, but they also discussed what it is that sets them apart. Waldkauz has already played some smaller and medium sized venues and events, but this year they even play(ed) on two MPS events! Last but not least Lenas tried to get a nice little scoop from them. Did she get it? Check it out for yourself! 🙂
The first tunes appeared in the year 2010 when Gina and Lennart began to share life and make music together. but recently, as Peter moved back nearby in 2012, the idea developed into the Folkband
Melodies and harmonies turned into songs, which were played on stage for the first time in year 2013. At the start of 2014 the journeys of Waldkauz united with those of Nina and Niklas. Fate wanted them to meet at Castlefest in the Netherlands –far away from home- to get to know each other. Only to find out that they had lived nearby all that time. Since then the rehearsal room filled up and also the sound became wider and deeper. In March 2015 they released their first album ‘Komm mit’.
New pagan folk bands are usually to found in the Netherlands or somewhere in Scandinavia – therefore I was happy to get the chance to talk to Niklas Steffen from Waldkauz, as this young German pagan folk band is about to find its way to the centre core of the Pagan Folk scene.
First off, thanks for taking time for us!
Waldkauz is one of the seldom young German bands that commit themselves to the genre of Pagan Folk. I explain you guys mostly as a good mixture of Omnia, Faun and a tiny hint of ‘Die Irrlichter’. What exactly is the thrill for you to create Pagan Folk music?
With pleasure! And thanks a lot for the ranking, that is exactly where we feel at home 🙂
I think, Pagan Folk is our common sense. We all do have a very own and individual taste of music but Folk and especially Pagan Folk has a special meaning towards us. This deep connection while playing with acoustic instruments plus the mystic and spirituality unite us simply.
Your current album offers a lot of variety from calm, and as you just said, spiritual and mystical moments to “dance along” songs that electrify your audience. Is there a central theme that your current album ‘Komm mit’ is following – this common sense you talked about?
The title of the album is in some way already the central theme. An invitation towards the listener to let us abduct him in our own world. The idea was to show the whole spectrum we can offer and that is what our music is about from ballads to “dance along” songs. In some ways it is more or less a classical first album – a introduction.
I already mentioned the itself suggesting comparison to Omnia and Faun, since some of the songs, at least the instrumental parts, come close to these Pagan Folk giants. How is it for you to get compared on the one hand in an artistic way to Omnia and Faun and on the other hand being Waldkauz, that do sound like “Waldkauz” and not like the others?
Well, we feel honoured on the one hand for this comparison and we would lie to say that those bands didn’t have any influence on how we play our music. But I still think that we as individuals made different experiences than others and therefore will always sound like “Waldkauz” since we just can’t stop being ourselves. And finally such classifications are always helpful to explain to people the kind of music that we make.
Indeed. Recently Gisbert Hiller, organisator of the well known and popular
MPS festivals,
announced that you will not only play on the MPS Christmas market but way earlier already at MPS Bückeburg. What do you expect from MPS and how does it feel to know that you will play on those festivals for you in person?
We see it foremost as a huge chance to prove ourselves in front of a big audience! We all were already guests on the MPS (even plenty times in Bückeburg) and it was always our goal to play there someday, since it is such an institution that will open up some doors for us. Of course we are a bit nervous, such huge events have been the exception, but we feel ready for this and that this is the right place to present our music towards an “expert public” which is used to good music.
You are still a young band and currently you play on a lot of smaller festivals and medieval fairs, the contrast which will be carried to you by the MPS and approximately by the Autumn Moon Festival will hopefully find open ears for your music. We already talked about your current album “Komm mit” which is a introduction of the band and its repertoire. Are there already plans for a second album?
Exactly that is our hope as well – so cross your fingers 🙂
We actually do work on a new concept and the according to this concept fitting Songs and are very motivated to work on a more concrete topic this time!
Could you tell us already something more concrete? Don’t you do it like this as a band, that you are always acting a bit secretive? 🙂
At the moment it is too early for more details, who knows what ideas will come to us. But that much I can reveal, on the cover there will be a blue flower visible 🙂
We will need to be patient for the moment but one last question I still need to ask. As a question that will turn to be my central theme through all my interviews. Music turns special to people when there is a story behind or some sort of anecdote, something that happened while writing the song or recording it, or anything during the artistic process. Is there such special story to one of your songs that you like to share?
In one of our new songs “Raigan Dannsa” we had some sort of magical moment. As we wanted to create a new song out of a Bouzouki motive I brought to the audition. We just sat down and started together. It was as if everyone knew by instinct what he/she needed to play in a magical way. The song put itself together. After this experience we almost didn’t change the new developed song since everything just fitted so perfectly.
Remember that enthusiastic report that Jan van Offeren made for us of his visit to Trolls & Légendes? Well, he also visited CELT-N-FOLK at Poppodium De Meester in Almere, and he was just as enthusiastic in writing about that!
You can read about his first real encounter with Sowulo, about his relived RASTABAN experience and of course his love, Cesair, and how they once again rocked the stage with their musical perfection and their vibrant stage show.
Of course he also speaks of the performances in the smaller room by Tipsy Gipsy (BE) and Robert den Hartigh (NL), and also gives tips for those interested in going to the next edition of this great indoor festival.
Who among us dares to claim that indoor theaters are only a pass-time to ease the waiting for the outdoor festival power? Not me any more…certainly not after Carolien and I visited the, to us so far unknown, CELT-N-FOLK in Almere! This might just be the exception(al) to the rule, but at the risk of sounding like a cliché, nothing could be farther from the truth. It is a beautifully set up indoor festival, easily reachable and with loads of parking space, I’ll advise you to park in the nearby parking garage, cheap and safe!
The entrée fee was, especially in pre-sale, a nice and friendly €7, €10 at the door, for which one got to see and hear a lot of beauty! We were very much on time, partly because of an early departure, and partly because of the ease at parking. The doors opened on time by a friendly yet stern security guard. Just to be safe I had decided to wear my every day clothes and after my experience at Trolls et Légendes I had left my arms and armour at home. Carolien was allowed to bring in her (large) purse, even though it did have to get checked first.
The first room we entered was upstairs. It wasn’t overly large but decorated completely in Folk-style, immediately feeling very familiar. Drinks could be purchased with coins that could be bought from a machine. These could not be changed back for money at the end of the evening, which could be an inconvenience to all but regular visitors, as they would be able to use them on any other night. The music here that played between and after the performances was good and certainly adapted to the event, to give some examples: Irfan, Faun and Stellamara.
photo by Kees Stravers
Sowulo were the first to perform and gave a beautiful show, preceded by a gorgeous ritual. We had never seen them perform even though, at the advice of the “well informed” we had bought their music at the Gothic & Fantasy Beurs in Rijswijk. Their music, mainly instrumental, is very appealing! The live performance was very good, though just like with the other bands the transition from music into “the talk after the show” would leave us shaking from the bass, if just for a moment. But I’ll say that Sowulo is a great addition to our “knowledge bank of bands” with their mainly very calm music.
photo by Don Bakhuizen
photo by Karin Den Hartigh Zegers
During the breaks, because of the resetting of the main stage, one could enjoy performances by Tipsy Gipsy (BE) and Robert den Hartigh (NL) in the smaller room, which was certainly worth it. These will one day certainly outgrow these smaller rooms. Though I could not listen to everything completely due to circumstances, what the hammer and anvil in my ears did pick up certainly was a well-forged sound!
photo by Kees Stravers
The second act of the evening was RASTABAN. Just like during the previously mentioned Trolls & Légendes, where I saw them a first time, a very complete show where, despite the fact that this was an away game for the mainly Belgian band, they spoiled the crowd and really gave them lots of joy! I’m already anxiously awaiting there next CD, even though we only purchased our first one this evening! So RASTABAN, we will keep a close eye on you!
photo by Kees Stravers
As last act for this evening Cesair was to turn off the lights but, and I suspect some degree of chauvinism in this, before the lights went off (or on, actually) they did manage to energise the crowd even though they had been tired after a long night of Folk, and the audience spontaneously joined in all forms of joy and happiness. With their beautiful sounds, singing and show, and their joyful appearance, they brought the audience into motion and ecstasy, and they were rewarded (like the other artists) after an even more enthusiastically played encore with a long and amazing applause.
Whomever says that Pagan Folk isn’t much, I’ll certainly disagree with them, especially after an evening like this, with 3 bands of this calibre, and some great up and coming artists. I would recommend anyone to get to know this great music, and a world where one keeps meeting beautiful and happy people!
Thank you for reading this, and I hope to see you at a next festival, where we can just be ourselves and can be amazed that joy can be experienced in such a versatile way.
Remember that we said we had done some interviews at Keltfest? We have of course already released our interview with Mark van der Stelt, but there was one more.
We had a nice chat with the guys of
about all sorts of topics. How their musical careers started, about hopes and dreams, and their upcoming performances at for instance Castlefest. Check out the interview
Interview with Pyrolysis.
Also, don’t forget to enter in our
Pyrolysis Give-Away
in order to win a signed copy of their upcoming album On Mountains High I Stand!
Interview with Pyrolysis
1 Comment
At Keltfest 2015 we had a nice chat with the guys of
about all sorts of topics. How their musical careers started, about hopes and dreams, and their upcoming performances at for instance Castlefest.
Mind you, it’s audio only, though you can find the written text right here. 🙂
So, we’ve gone somewhat full circle at Keltfest this year ’cause last year we met a couple of people who were playing acoustically. They weren’t invited by Vana, they were just playing and drawing at least our attention, but no really a lot of people’s attention, and we met again at the Midwinter Fair which we wrote to you about and this year we thought we would have to get back to these people because to us they are very special and we’re going to have a little talk with them and show you why. So please, could you first introduce yourselves?
Hi, I’m Sven, 23 years old and I’m a chemistry student and guitarist of Pyrolysis.
I’m Stan, I’m 22 years old. I’m a psychology student and I’m the lead singer and drummer for Pyrolysis.
Hi, I’m Rikke, I’m 19 years old. I study biotechnology and I play the violin.
Hi, I’m Laurens. I study biology and I try to play the accordion.
So, you are a diverse group of people and so is your music. Because, we have been in contact the last year and we heard your acoustic set which drew us to you. And when we got back in touch via Facebook we said “Please give us some tracks and we’ll see if they are suitable for our station.” And what did you do?
Well, normally we do something entirely different then we show on these, like, sort of fantasy festivals and we play with heavy electric guitar, electric bass, drumkits, we play some sort of rock, folkrock.
So we might have sent you something that sounds more like punk than like folk.
Something Flogging Molly like.
Silly us, of course. We should have known.
Well, it was brilliant music, because we could still hear the quality of you guys, but it wasn’t what is played normally in our stream. So when we met up at Midwinter Fair you kind of had a surprise for us, because you were recording a CD, which was like total death metal, or not?
Well, sort of…
Maybe not death metal, more punk, like we play normally. But then we also thought well, CeltCast liked us so maybe we should make some acoustic music and put it on our album.
Well, actually we thought, all these festivals are really great, and we like all the bands that play here. We like this kind of music more and more ourselves now, like live, and the last two years done that more and more and started to like it more, a bigger repertoire.
It was kind of like when we switched from metal to punk, which not, like, to folkpunk, which happened very early on in our band. But now lately we’ve been trying to, actually, not trying to, it just happened, we’ve been starting to feel drawn towards actual folk more then punk folk.
And more people seem to like it actually, so…
We want our album to show our different styles which we play. Acoustically, non-acoustically.
Yeah, ’cause not only does our album have like folk, but it also has the more metal-like songs that we wrote, so there’s a great diversity.
Yes, you have sent us a couple of tracks already, thank you. And what we heard, even within that selection, is that you are very multi-talented and diverse. The quality of the music is very good, for such a yound band.
We have invested all our money.
Well, you have our attention now. But, you already said, the album…something is about to happen now, right? So tell us more about the time schedule.
So we have our release date, and also of course our release party at the 26th of June in our very beautiful hometown Zaltbommel. We are all from there and it’s a very cosy place, very nice.
For those who haven’t picked up on the accent yet, that’s in the Netherlands.
And there we will present the album and we have avery nice group of friends that we met at these festivals called Fiddle ‘n Drum.
Last year at Keltfest actually.
Exactly one year ago.
They also crashed the festival, we crashed the festival, and we played some songs together which is, I think, very common and very nice in this scene. And they will support us, they will play with us together. Then we will also play of course more the rock songs and the acoustic songs that we play, I think everything.
So you’ll be playing in both styles? Acoustic, as well as more rock or punk?
Yes. But next to that are very other things on the programme as well. We’ve got Castlefest this year. We play at the campsite. I think it’s actually the first year that a band is allowed to wake all the people up.
Everyone at Castlefest is going to hate us!
You are warned!
So at nine o’clock we start to wake everyone up and it’s going to be a party from nine to, I don’t know…
We’ll try to play metal there sneaky so (…inaudible…)
Ehm, remind us to book another camping.
Acoustic metal…great idea!
Definitely. We will start to sound more like classical music maybe.
So, but, you’re really doing rather well. I mean you were just crashing the festival last year, I would like to paraphrase you, you were crashing the festival last year, this year you are actually without any instruments, sadly, I should add.
Yeah, we are fully reparing for the return of our bass player.
Which will be in half a week.
We should say we are of course now lacking Tim in this interview. Tim is over in England right?
Yeah, he’s in Leeds.
He’s an English student, so now he’s half a year in England.
And very happy there. Drunk all the time, maybe that’s not a good thing when releasing an album.
Not missing us at all, the bastard.
No, but he will return coming Tuesday and then the group will be whole again and we will start writing songs and…
Rehearsing of course.
So, Pub stage in Castlefest, and…what’s beyond this year’s Castlefest? Where do you see yourselves in, like, five years?
That’s a tricky one, because we never plan anything, we never think about anything, we just, I mean, we’re very happy now that we got in to Castlefest, but hopefully next year we will be able to play a stage where no one will hate us, and also we would like to go to Keltfest of course this year again, next year I mean, and be programmed, maybe in the Pubstage.
We were a little late this year.
Yeah, we were a little late this year but next year maybe, hopefully, we can do all summer festivals, but also still probably electrically. And you know, we hope to support some cool bands that like us, that we like of course and maybe, I think after our show everyone is very warmed up so that’s nice.
And drunk!
Generally quite drunk yeah.
So for some sort of main act that is very nice. For us also but…
I’m fully convinced that you can go way beyond Pubstages so…
We hope so too.
In five years we will be the main act hopefully. That’s the plan.
Let’s hope the post-student life doesn’t break us up.
Yeah, so, we’re almost all finished now with our bachelor, with our masters, except for this young girl. But then we’re not very sure where we’ll be. Sven and I are probably going to do a PhD afterwards, hopefully in the Netherlands so we can still play together.
So I’m still not allowed to go to Scotland.
No, but so far the vibe in the bands is very good.
I’m staying the Netherland at least, I don’t know about you.
I don’t know either so, as mentioned, I don’t plan anything.
So you’re all studying, you’re all still learning, where did you learn to play your instruments? Can you give us some background on how you got to be in the music scene, especially how you grew into this part of it?
I got my instrument quite late, I got it for my 16th birthday, and then I started learning it myself first and a few different teachers and different styles, some rock and metal, and now I have more blues and folk oriented lessons, mainly thanks to these guys.
Yeah, I basically dragged him into the band very quickly. Because I’ve been playing piano, I must say forced by my parents, I was forced to play classical piano. In the beginning of course, and then I started to like more and more and I had lessons for like twelve or thirteen years and then I got into this weird kind of band and then I had to pick up the accordion of course.
You don’t strike me as traumatized by it.
No, no, I’m very happy.
He’s traumatizing us.
But Classical music is less free than this folk music is so I had a very strict teacher that taught me to play very clearly and very well.
But not how to play in a rhythm.
No. He’s always angry with me ’cause I always play…
Why is rhythm so important to you?
Well, I’m the drummer so…obviously.
Can you explain how you got to be a drummer?
Ah yeah, ehm, well, I don’t know. I think, we had a drumkit at home, when I was like six or seven, because my parents are really into music and they all play instruments, they both do, and so they wanted me to play an instrument, so they tried guitar and piano…
Oh, you were both force fed.
Yeah, both parents. But I wasn’t very good at guitar or piano, so I played drums. So I started lessons when I was seven and then I played a few gigs with a few other drummers, but then I got in a band with these guys and I started learning more instruments. I didn’t learn them from, like, teachers. I did have some singing classes, but then I taught myself how to play harmonica, mandolin, bodhrán, stuff like that.
Well, he definitely, the only thing he didn’t want was to sing, but all the other ones really can not sing and we just forced him, eventhough he’s behind the drumkit all the time.
We were a band with four guys, we had a different bass player when we started, but we didn’t have a singer. I was like, yeah, I learned how to sing like six years ago for a few weeks, so I had to sing.
Then we shoved a microphone under his nose.
I got a microphone…I just wanted to drum though, I didn’t want to do anything else. But I had to sing. And I kept having to sing. And now I still sing.
Well, hopefully you’ll start to like it.
It’s not that bad.
It’s a bit scary maybe.
I don’t want to be at the front of the stage. It’s good I still have a drumkit to hide behind.
So after you were force fed by your parents you are now being force fed by your colleagues.
Yeah, kinda…
But it’s still great fun you know?
To you three yes! What’s your story?
Well, when I was six or eight, something around that, I learned how to play keyboard. My dad played keyboard so I was like, oh I want to play keyboard too! But then after half a year I quit because I did not have the motivation. So when I was fifteen my physics teacher brought her violin to class to teach us about strings, that they get a higher tone when you shorten the string and such. So I fell in love immediately, at the violin.
Not with the teacher?
No, that would be just weird. Well, and the I asked my parents can I please please get violin lessons, but they said no, you’re too old, you can not…it will not have a gain. But then I just asked the teacher, the violin teacher, myself, can you teach me how to play violin without, really, my parents having to give a fuck about it. They just pay it and then ok, just go do it, but they did not think I would really pull through playing the violin, because I quit at playing the keyboard very early. And, well, after a few years I played in the school band, and then one of my, one of the colleagues at the school band mentioned my name to these guys because they were looking fo someone to play the violin and that was quite a coincidence. Because at the time that they asked me to play in their band I was looking for something to do…
With your life.
With my life yeah. I was in my last year in high school, well, at school, so I did not have anything to do after school and well, I had lot of free time. Yeah, poor me. And I visited one of their rehearsals and I thought it was amazing so the click was already there.
Yeah, it was great, because we are just four guys that are very annoying to be with.
And very nerdy. Very important to mention.
But she just fit in almost immediately.
She was just as nerdy.
When we said our nerdy shit, she replied with more nerdy shit.
She was like “Oh I already know that, do you know this?” and we were like WOW!
Yeah, so she was really the last piece of the puzzle I think.
Well, we think. There might be more pieces.
Yeah, but so far it feels very nice.
I think it’s good like this. Maybe a piper. I’m not going to play pipes guys! Don’t force me! It scares the shit out of me.
We don’t have to force you, you’ll do it by yourself.
Yeah, maybe, eventually, probably.
Well, I think we’ve got the most important people now, the most important instruments, and the most important creativity that we need to write more songs. To hit the stage.
Because that’s another thing, you do write your own songs.
Mostly, yes.
For a band that’s quite this young that’s very special. Most start out as a coverband.
We started out as a coverband.
Yeah, but then we got Tim and then songs kept flowing.
Tim is an English student and he writes most of our, he writes the best of our lyrics. All the not so good lyrics are made by someone else, no offence to anyone, but…
Including yourself.
Yes, of course. So he writes most of the lyrics and also a large part of the music, but we also try to ll add our own meaning to the music, I think that’s why it sounds…
Yeah, complete, but also, well, fresh, you know? Because everyone is putting something in.
So often we start out just with a bit of music and then we just add stuff, change stuff and eventually we end up with, well, our songs.
Well I think we’re still changing songs but…even the songs that are recorded on the album.
Even the songs that we play for, like, five years. Small adaptations…
I think it’s never finished.
It shouldn’t be. I think it’s good to keep it in a steady state of evolution. You evolve as a band, as a person so, so does your music.
Yeah, you must kep it fun to play.
Eventually we had to add violin, so we had to change the music anyway.
For bands that are starting now, would you have any special advice for them to grow into this scene, apart from crashing next years Keltfest?
Get a job, make sure your wallet becomes heavy, buy very cool instruments, buy many of them, learn all of them, learn all the jigs, play together with everyone and you’ll just meet awesome people and then you’ll roll into the world automatically. If everyone knows you you can get everywhere.
Yeah, but I think the most important thing that has helped us to get so far is that we didn’t want anything really. We just wanted to be a group of friends, we wanted to play music that is, has some sort of high level, that sounds good. And we didn’t want to do this show, we didn’t want to do this very quickly. I mean we’re already playing together for five years now and well, some people say we are “only” here, but I think well, we’re still here as a band and so many bands that we met during our five years of playing everywhere, they are all gone.
All the local bands just vanished.
Yes, and we are still here and we’re still making fun and progress. Slowly, but we have fun and we don’t set any particular goal for next year, we want to have so many gigs and so many sold albums, we just, I don’t know, we just…
Everything is a great bonus that we do.
We just play for the music and not for anything else.
We love playing together, surround yourself with friends, keep playing music, keep doing what you love and you’ll just grow into stuff.
What helps is that we as friends, we don’t just, we really became friends. We’re just real friends, if you play music together with other people, if you can’t be friends, if you didn’t like each other, don’t play music with each other.
Your band lasts mostly a year then.
Yeah, and I think, especially in this scene where there is I think so much friendship and everyone knows the tunes so, I don’t know, when you’re open to play with other people you can play with everyone in the scene because almost everyone knows exactly the same songs which is very very cool.
Even in the Netherlands, here we now have Irish sessions in pubs. So yeah, I love going to those. So what are you off to now, today, in Keltfest? Are you going to see Soar Patrol that will finish the day?
We already saw it.
Yeah, they are here twice.
But probably we will check them out again yeah, that would be nice I think. I liked it.
Very nice music.
No, I really liked it! I mean finally a band actually has an awesome amount of drums, so many drums! It was awesome! Three freakin’drummers!
Yeah, and the Scottish accents.
An actual genuine Scotsman!
We couldn’t understand it, but he goes to Scotland all the time, so he was…
Not all the time, like two weeks every year.
Every year yeah.
He’s the Scot over here.
Well, I’m the local Scot.
Well, make sure you team up and you’ll be supporting them maybe. Alright, well, thanks very much. I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival and we’ll be sure hearing more of you at CeltCast!
Pyrolysis consists of:
Stan Eimers
Vocals, Drums, Harmonica
Tim Elfring
Bass, Drums, Backing Vocals
Sven Schipper
Laurens Krah
Keyboard, Accordion, Backing Vocals
Rikke Linssen
Violin, Vocals
Enter: Iris!
Lately we have been introducing new members of the CeltCast team. Well, we have one more introduction for you!
We’ve noticed at festivals and concerts that some bands have amazing merchandise to sell, but no one to help them sell it. They have to quickly talk to people while clearing the stage for the next band and therefore can’t really give anything or anyone the time they deserve. That’s where Iris comes in. As our merchbabe she will focus on helping bands sell their merchandise so that the bands can do what bands do. Interact with fans. 🙂
Head on over to
her bio page
to find out who Iris is and why she does what she does, and if you’re a band or artist and would like her help, give us a heads up!
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